I haven't even decided what kind of blog I want to create. I love reading blogs that are funny and entertaining, but unfortunately I don't find myself that humorous. I also read quite a few blogs that are completely based on a particular subject and have thought about spending my time writing about school, education or politics. However, I am not even that interested in those topics to write about it on a daily or even weekly basis so I kinda doubt anyone else would want to read about it either.
I am a big reader, or rather I used to be before I had kids. One of my all time favorites is the Anne of Green Gables series. I have always remembered something Gilbert told Anne and that was to write about something she knows. At this point in my life it seems that all I really know anymore is my kids and my family. I spend almost all of my time with my kids or doing things for my family. So it is most likely that majority of what I write will revolve around them. Fortunately for me my kids are still to young to be embarassed by the many stories I can tell about them. So at least that is one topic I am safe discussing, for the time being that is, lol.