Thursday, August 11, 2011


I always thought I wanted lots and lots of kids. I had big plans of family fun, big holidays and lots of laughter. Oh sure, I am not completely naive. I knew there would be fights, screaming and tears. However, I think I always imagined that the love and closeness shared would overcome everything else. It would be our family against the world.

Now I see how completely nuts that sounds. I can barely control my two sons. The last week I have added two girls to the brood a few hours a day. That has proved to be a much bigger challenge than I ever imagined. It's not any one child that is the problem. It's the four of them together that seems to be the issue. Xander is absolutely beside himself with jealousy. He is much more clingy and whiny and does not like sharing me with the baby. Plus, he is not really old enough to play with Preston and the older girl so he is just completely left out. Preston is great one minute, but quickly becomes more argumentative and loud to show off.

As if that wasn't enough my grandfather has rapidly gone downhill recently. I am having to spend much more time taking care of him which is just as much work as two or three kids. It's kinda like having a kid with the attitude of a teenager and the needs of toddler. I feel bad about not spending as much time as he wants, but I am only one person.

Some days are great and I love all of them. I just wish there was more of me, less of them or just more time in my day. I know it will be slightly easier once school starts for the older two. Only problem is that then Justin and I will both be back in school and have even less time. I just don't know. Hopefully, somehow, we will all manage to survive this madhouse.

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