Sunday, July 4, 2010


The day started out well. I spent time working on my new pop can earrings. They are really cute, lightweight and a great way to reuse and recycle. I also worked on making more of my mystery braid foam bracelets. I even had some other cute ideas for kids and the upcoming holiday shows, but I will save that for another post.

Then this evening we went to a friend's house to go swimming, cookout and watch the fireworks. All the work involved just reminded me how much I dislike holidays. Sometimes it just feels like I am always stuck being the responsible one. Fortunately, I think the kids had a great time, which is really what is most important.


  1. I love recycling and love recycled projects....I think it challenges the mind to make something anew again.....

  2. I love being able to reuse items and help find a new purpose for an old piece.


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