These pendants turned out so great! I learned that I actually can make many of these pendants in a short time, if I just down and work instead of trying to do laundry, wash dishes, cook and watch the kids at the same time. I am just so happy that the couple loved them as much as I do. The girl bought them as a surprise and when he saw them, she said he squealed like a school girl. He actually called me personally to tell me how absolutely awesome and fantastic they were. He said they were the most amazing pendants he had ever seen. He was just upset that she would not allowed them to wear the pendants until the wedding, lol. It was the first time that an Etsy customer actually took the time to call me on the phone. It was quite flattering. Now, if she would just leave me feedback on Etsy. Looking forward to the next time I get the chance to create an order like this one.
They look lovely! And how nice of them to call you and tell you so :)